Visit our Rooms
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Welcome to Cygnets, our Pre-School Room, and meet its mascot, Cyril Swan and Pinky our Head of Room. 

Children join the Cygnets room around the third birthday and remain in this room until their transition to school. Each child has a key carer who is responsible for planning, observing and assessing their progress in the seven areas of the EYFS. Each child is treated as individual and we work closely with parents to follow interests from home, celebrate successes and accomplishments and plan how to help each child reach their next steps of development. The children have the opportunity to learn and develop inside and outside using the classroom, Pottering garden and main garden.

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    Cygnets Room is Ready
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Visit our Other Rooms
Ducklings Room (1 - 2 yrs old)Piglets Room (2nd Toddlers)Cubs Room (1st Toddlers)And Outside Too